Governing Board



Governing Board

In a Church of England school, the governing body is comprised of foundation governors who are appointed by different arms of the church, elected parent governors, an elected staff governor, a local authority governor, and the Headteacher. It is possible for the governing body to co-opt other people onto its membership.

St. James & St. John CofE Primary School Full Governing Board

Chair of the Governing Board

Andrew Garwood-Watkins

Vice Chair of the Governing Board 

Mr Chris Lees


Harvey Webb - Ex-Officio

Foundation Governors

Chris Lees

Fr Stephen Mason

Janet Hoyle

Alastair Ong

Fr Tim Handley

Local Authority Governor

Amy Harker

Parent Governors

Saba Naqshbandi 

James McCollough

Staff Governor

Eniko Koltai 

Admissions Committee

Andrew Garwood-Watkins

Harvey Webb

Pay Committee

Andrew Garwood-Watkins

Harvey Webb

Janet Hoyle

Chris Lees 

Structure and Responsibilities of the Governing Board

The three critical functions of the St. James & St. John Governing Body are to provide a strategic overview, to act as a critical friend and to ensure accountability.

School governors are drawn from different parts of the community and can be parents, carers and staff or from the local authority, the community and other groups. This helps ensure the governing body has sufficient diversity of views and experience.

The governing body has a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement.

Its responsibilities include,  but are not limited to:

  • setting targets for pupil achievement
  • managing the school's finances
  • making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based
  • appointing staff
  • reviewing staff performance and pay.

These responsibilities are met through the convening of committees, which meet and then report back to the Full Governing Board, to discuss, observe, monitor and feed back on issues relevant to the committees purpose and remit.

Register of Information about the Governing Body of St. James & St. John - Updated May 2024.pdf

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